Info & Articles

Here are a few resources related to Grace church:

General Articles

Grace Church Members Covenant
A church covenant proposed by the elder team for adoption by the members at our November 13, 2016 Congregational Meeting.

Grace Church Statement of Basic Beliefs
A short statement of the essential teachings of Scripture. Anyone pursuing baptism and/or membership at the church must agree with this statement.

Grace Church Affirmation of Faith
A complete statement of our beliefs as a church which is affirmed by our leaders and forms the basis of our teaching and preaching ministry.

Believing and Belonging
A brief explanation of what church membership is and how to become a member of Grace Church.

Baptism at Grace Church
A short paper explaining our baptism practices as a church. For a longer, more detailed explanation of baptism, click here

Bible Reading Plan
A 5-day per week reading plan structured to help you read through the New and Old Testament 2 years.  

Ruling Elders
This paper outlines the requirements, responsibilities, and relationships of our church Elder Team.

How the Supreme Court’s “Same-Sex Marriage” Ruling Will Affect the Church
This paper outlines three threats to religious liberty, using the words of the dissenting Justices themselves, and then provides some thoughts on how this decision will impact our church as we move into the future.

Discipleship in Community
An overview of the philosphy and strategy of Grace Church when it comes to disciplship and community.

Reading the Bible with Heart and Mind
A thoughtful look at how to get the most out of reading and reflecting on the Bible.

Every Home a Church!
A surpising look at what the Bible teaches us about discipleship - it all begins with the family!

Grace Church World Missions Policies
This paper provides the framework and guidelines for decision-making at Grace regarding the church’s responsibilities for cross-cultural missions.

Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage
What does the Bible teach about marriage, remarriage, and divorce? What is the position of Grace Church regarding these matters? 

The "One Anothers"
In the New Testament of the Bible God has given the church a blueprint for relationships. This plan includes a series of commands for how to relate to other people in dynamic, life-giving ways. The Greek word for "one another" is "allelon" which denotes a reciprocal, mutual effort by all of the believers in a church towards each other. The word occurs 58 times in the New Testament (some of the commands are repeated) painting a comprehensive picture of the way believers are supposed to treat our spiritual brothers and sisters. A church family which practices these commands will experience connectedness, unity, cooperation, commitment, accountability, other-centeredness and involvement that is rich and meaningful.

Christ Our Passover Lamb
What can we learn about Easter by looking at the celebration of Passover? This booklet draws from these two holiday celebrations to clarify the message of Jesus.

Investing In the Kingdom of God
Why should I give my money to support the church? What does the Bible tell us about giving to God's work through the local church? This booklet reviews biblical guidelines for giving.

The Feast of Fellowship
This booklet takes a biblical look at our celebration of the Lord's Supper (Communion) and why it is such an important event in the church's life today.

How to Pray for a Missionary
This resource, written by a member of our World Missions team who spent more than 10 years as a missionary in Bosnia, gives some helpful suggestions on how to pray for missionaries.

Managing Your Money
Biblical Principles for Achieving Financial Freedom. This booklet gives us a biblical perspective on dealing with our personal finances.  While not inherently evil,  money serves us best when it first gives glory to God.
Cover and Table of Contents
Lesson One:  The Source of Money
Lesson Two:  Perspective on Money
Lesson Three:  Earning Money
Lesson Four:  Spending Money
Lesson Five: Saving Money
Lesson Six: Giving Money
Appendix:  What about Gambling

Refresher on Sharing your Faith
This article, compiled by our Home Missions Team, gives a very helpful and practical look at how to share your faith. 

Chronology of the Old Testament
A timeline of the events of the Old Testament, from Abraham to Jesus.

Psalms Blog
Tom Lewellen has a blog in which he reflects on a different psalm each day. To access the blog, go to


Summer Classes

Reading the Book of Revelation (2018 Class)
This four-part series is covers topics regarding intelligent Bible reading, the interpretation of prophecy, and the importance of the book of Revelation for understanding the Bible's Story. Three of the ways people read and understand the book are covered in the second, third, and fourth session. 
Week One - Some Keys to Reading the Book: Materials / Audio
Week Two - Historic Premillennialism: Materials / Audio
Week Three - Dispensational Premillennialism: Materials / Audio
Week Four - Amillennialism: Materials / Audio
Additional Materials - The Structure of the book / Israel and the Church / Daniel's Seventieth Week

Community Group Resources

Life Together
A Six-Week Bible Study on the Church as a New Covenant Community

The Full Assurance of Faith
A Six-Week Bible Study on the Assurance of Salvation

The Full Assurance of Faith Leaders Guide

Bringing Your Heart to God
A Six-Week Bible Study on the Psalms and Your Worship

Bringing Your Heart to God Leaders Guide

Encounters with Jesus
A Six-Week Bible Study considering the impact Jesus had on those around him

The Life of David
A Six-Week Bible Study on some of the most important moments of David's life

The Prophecy of Habakkuk
A four-week survey of the Old Testament book of Habakkuk

Community Group Handbook
The manual we use to train Grace Church Community Group leaders and coaches... this handbook gives a detailed description of our model for smaller groups at Grace.

Following Jesus Christ: The Life of Discipleship
This 10-week overview of the Christian life was written and used in our Community Groups in 1999.